Minsk Golf Club Local Rules
Registration and Golf Starting Times
All members are required to register prior to the beginning of play or using the range. Failure to check in and register 15 minutes prior to a reserved starting time may result in assignment of another starting time or cancellation. All players, regardless of whether they walk or ride, are required to register before commencing play.
Starting times
All players must register with the receptionist. The starting times will be determined by the Club personnel on busy days. Golf Professional staff will assist in the order of daily play. It is recommended that you call to schedule a tee time in advance. No more than one starting time may be reserved by the same player per day. Please notify the receptionist of all cancellations as promptly as possible. At least three hours’ notice is required. If notice of cancellation is not received on time, a late cancellation or non-cancellation fee will be charged to the person responsible for reserving the tee time.
Playing Groups
Members are encouraged to play in foursomes; however, there may be times when groups with less than four players may be filled with twosomes or singles. Single players and twosomes or threesomes may be permitted at the discretion of Golf Professional, if such play will not disrupt normal course traffic. No group of five or more persons shall be permitted.
Smaller groups should not expect to play through foursomes and should not exert pressure on the groups ahead. Foursomes have priority over threesomes and twosomes. Single players have no priority. It is the obligation of each group to keep up with the group in front of them. Any group playing behind a team that is not playing at an appropriate speed may ask the group in front for permission to play through. The team in front must grant permission to play through.
Rules Violation
Each repeated violation of the rules of golf can carry a fine or temporary disqualification.
Private /Semi-Private Lessons & Clinics
Private, semi-private lessons and clinics by appointment or pre-registration only. The Club reserves the right to adopt rules and regulations relating to the game of golf, as well as to monitor their implementation. The Club, at its sole discretion, amends the provisions for private/semi-private lessons and clinics.
Golf Club Set and Bag
Every player must have a set of golf clubs and a golf bag. A short set often includes 1- and 3-woods, 3-, 5-, 7- and 9-irons, and a putter. Sharing of clubs is not permitted.
Supervision of Play
The General Manager and the Club personnel, he or she designates, will have full authority to enforce these Rules and Regulations. Any Member, family member, or guest who conducts himself or herself in an unbecoming manner or who knowingly violates any Club policy or rule may be denied service by the Club. Golf rangers or marshals may be on duty to enforce all rules and speed of play. Children are more than welcome at Minsk Golf Club. However, parents are solely responsible for the conduct and actions of their children. Children under twelve are required to be accompanied by adults at all times.
Personal Instruction and Coaching
Golf instruction is offered under the supervision of Club staff. No Member shall authorize anyone other than provided by the Club to train, teach, give golf lessons, or provide caddie services.
Расписание игр.
Расписание игр может рассылаться по клиентской базе Гольф Клуба в начале каждого сезона или публиковаться на веб-сайте Гольф Клуба.
Tournaments Schedule
The schedule will be sent to the Members of the Club by e-mail at the beginning of each season or published on the Golf Club website.
Rangers and Marshals
Golf rangers or marshals may be on duty to help to regulate play and enforce golf car regulations. They have full authority on the golf course and will enforce all rules and speed of play. Your cooperation is appreciated
Adverse Weather Conditions
Players are expected to exercise reasonable prudence and common sense when severe weather, e.g., thunder or lightning, is reported or observed in the area and are requested to leave the golf course and seek appropriate shelter. Players expressly assume all risk of injury while on the golf course due to lightning or other adverse weather. Players should not rely on the accuracy, reliability or adequacy of any storm warning systems implemented by the Club. The Club may suspend or cancel any tournament or scheduled play, if in the sole judgement of its Golf Professional or management; weather conditions create a clear and present danger of personal injury or death.
Lightning Safety Tips
Avoid: Open areas, water, metal wire fences, overhead wires and power lines, isolated trees, elevated ground, maintenance machinery and golf cars (golf cars are not lightning proof). Seek: The Golf Academy building, maintenance buildings, automobiles and oncourse buildings. Note: Raising golf clubs or umbrellas above the head increases the risk when lightning is near. Avoid riding over excessively rough terrain and wet areas. Members are asked to report to Club Management breaches against those internal regulations of other members or third parties immediately.
General Rules of Golf
There are three basic premises governing the Rules of Golf:
1) play the ball as it lies,
2) play the course as you find it, and
3) if unable to do either 1) or 2), do what is fair.
From Simple to Complex
Every round of golf is based on playing a number of holes in a given order. A "round" typically consists of 18 holes that are played in the order determined by the course layout. Playing a hole on a golf course is initiated by putting a ball into play by striking it with a club on the teeing ground (also called the tee box, or simply the tee). Holes often include hazards, which are special areas that have additional rules for play, and are generally of two types: water hazards, such as ponds, lakes, and rivers; and bunkers, or sand traps.